The Hobbs household consists of 2 kids, 3 teens, 3 dogs and 3 guinea pigs! Sometimes it can be a handful juggling after school activities, chores and the growing social life of the teens but to be honest, we would not have it any other way. Our favourite dinner together as a family is roast chicken. You can smell the glorious scent of the chicken cooking through the entire house. We know that our chicken is the healthiest chicken available because we know where it came from, that it has been well looked after and is as close to nature as it gets. It is important to us that the chicken is the best, because we only want the best for our family and yours. We love that our kids know where their food comes from whether this is our meat or our fresh grown produce straight from the veggie patch.
We do realise that we are lucky to live on a farm and not everyone has access to their own produce. It is therefore our desire to bring our healthy organic chicken to your kitchen, so that you may enjoy the benefits of food that is naturally better for you and your family.